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Cancer Care Groups

These Support Groups are comprised of people who come together to learn in a safe, friendly, and supportive environment. Become inspired by each other's journeys. Read More...

Lodging Assistance

Victory In The Valley (VV) has established negotiated rates at specific hotels to assist with the lodging needs of out-of-town cancer patients and families.   Read More...

Wigs, Hats,

Head coverings

VV's Women's Boutique has a large selection of beautiful wigs that are styled and available free of charge to any woman who is going through treatment for cancer. Read More...

Hospitality Centre

The VV Hospitality Centre was established to serve the needs of all cancer patients and supporters waiting to see any of the doctors in the Heritage Plaza Building. Located on the 4th floor, adjacent to the Cancer Center of Kansas. Read More...


VV's Transportation Program (in Wichita) provides much more than just a ride for someone on active treatment for cancer. Read More...

Victory Bear

"Victory Bears" are given to cancer patients/survivors on active treatment as a cuddly reminder that Victory in the Valley cares about them! Read More...

Canine Friends

The Canine Friends Program is "dedicated to providing comfort and companionship by sharing a dog with cancer patients and their families to improve the quality of their lives and enhance the possibility of recovery." Read More...

Caregiver Support

VV cares about the caregivers as well!  We know they are dealing with their own fears and struggles when a loved one is fighting cancer.  Caregivers are invited to most VV Support Groups.   We also have a Caregiver booklet with tips & suggestions for the caregiver.


Patient Assistance

VV's Emergency Medical Fund (provided on a short-term basis) to assist with pain & nausea medications.  This fund is accessed through the direction of the patient’s physician/nurse team.Read More...

Prayer Support

As we go through the cancer journey, either as patients or caregivers, it is a great comfort to know others are praying for us. If you have a "cancer-related" prayer request, you may email it to Victory in the Valley   We hope you will give us the opportunity to accompany you through your journey.​

Loaner Medical Equipment

We offer donated gently used medical equipment to cancer patients and families who may need extra assistance while going through treatment.  This service is provided at no charge through the generosity of our supporters.

Post-Mastectomy Supplies

Grants and donations from VV's generous supporters continue to allow us to offer services to any uninsured woman who has had a mastectomy. By working with a Certified Fitter, a woman will be professionally fitted for an appropriate new prosthesis and 2 new bras at no charge to the patient.

3755 E Douglas Ave

Wichita, KS 67218

Tel: 316.682.7400


Business Hours

Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Closed on weekends

Women's Boutique: by appointment only


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​​​​DISCLAIMER: This Website is for support & information purposes only, and does not provide medical or legal advice. The support resource information on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on this website. This site includes links to direct access to cancer resource Internet sites, Victory in the Valley, Inc. is not responsible for the content or information contained on those sites. If this site violates copyright or protected data, it was done so unintentionally.


Please email Victory in the Valley at: and that information will be removed. â€‹

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